Human is a rational animal. He/She cannot live in the chaos of unexplained, isolated events. The whole world then becomes alien to him. Human has instinctively intense desire to reflect upon ultimate truth. The search into the nature of reality has two aspects – understanding and practicing. He/She wants to bring coordination among the various experiences that he/she comes across throughout his/her life. Philosophy helps in understanding the significance of all experiences. A person does not want to live in chaos man wants to know oneself. Similarly, he/she also wants to know the world in which one is living: what is the true world in which one is living? what is the true nature of the world? What is the relation between a man and society? How is the world originated? What are the aims and objectives of one's life? What is knowledge? Or what is the world? These are some of the fundamental problems with which philosophy deals?
Philosophy tries to understand the universe in which one lives as well as to know one's relation to others or one's relationship with the world. Philosophy tries to answer the deepest questions of life. Philosophy is a guide to life because it addresses the basic issues of living.
Philosophy arises out of curiosity and wonder. Human has the capacity for reasoning. The natural phenomena such as the sun, moon, raining, thunder, were miracles for a primitive man. Humans tried to understand these miracles by his rational thinking. Gradually speculation took the place of wonder. So-called miracles were explained by one or more basic principles.
Philosophy arises from the speculative and critical search of ultimate reality. It gives a rational account of the facts, events in this world. Philosophy seeks the explanation of the forces operative in this universe. So theoretically philosophy is a methodical work of thought.
The search into the nature of reality has a practical aspect. Human intelligence has practical application. The very existence of man depends upon his ability to apprehend and to respond to the world around him. Here arises the need of practical utility of his reasoning. Wisdom, the maturity to judge the external factors is essential in the maintenance of man's existence. This gives rise to Ethics.
Ethics is concerned with the practical problems of man, initially in the survival and then those in the moral, organized, harmonious life. Human is a rational animal-the animal that lives on a higher plane. He apprehends Truth, realizes Good, and creates Beauty. The practical aspect of reason shows the progress in morality. In the longing for higher levels, man has developed from instinctive morality to reflective morality. The human was governed by nature and then by laws. Now he is governed by his own autonomous moral will. The self-conscious rational feeling the urge of the unity of Truth, Beauty, and Good. The rational animal, a human being is preparing himself to realize the Supreme End.
Philosophy is considered as the mother of all sciences. It is the root of all knowledge. Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as the nature of knowledge, truth, justice, mind, language, etc. It is an art of life. It tries to understand the meaning and the value of life. It is an attempt to understand the ultimate Reality. Philosophy is the study of the principles which underlie all knowledge. Philosophy tries to discover the ultimate truth. It is an attempt of rational interpretation and unification of all our experiences. It tries to give a rational picture of the whole universe.
The word 'philosophy' comes from the ancient Greek word 'Philosophia', which means “Love of Wisdom” or “Love of Knowledge”. Philosophy is a love of knowledge and a philosopher is a person who seeks knowledge. A philosopher is an impartial spectator of the eternal universe.
Philosophy has interpreted man and his various activities comprehensively. Philosophy helps to coordinate the various activities of the individual and society. It helps us to understand the significance of all human experience. Philosophy critically evaluates and analyses the variety of human experiences. It develops a comprehensive system of thoughts about the universe and life as a whole. It explores the basic source and aims of life. It asks and tries to answer the deepest questions to life. It clarifies life and the basic values of life. This clarity is very essential because it provides us with the wisdom to face the challenges of life. Wisdom is the supreme instrument in the hands of a man in the struggle for his successful existence.
In India, Philosophy is called 'Darshan' which means 'Vision' and also the means or instruments of Vision. Indian philosophy arises out of the urge for the direct realization of ultimate Reality. We find the seeds of Indian philosophy in the Upanishads, the sacred books of Hindus.
There are many branches of philosophy such as Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of mind, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Beauty (Aesthetics), Philosophy of Language, etc. Philosophy deals with certain general problems regarding the universe, human life, man's place in the universe, his duties, and human values. Philosophy discusses and critically evaluates the general concepts such as Knowledge, Truth, God, Values, Space, Time, Cause, Liberation, etc.
Philosophy tries to understand the universe in which one lives as well as to know one's relation to others or one's relationship with the world. Philosophy tries to answer the deepest questions of life. Philosophy is a guide to life because it addresses the basic issues of living.
Philosophy arises out of curiosity and wonder. Human has the capacity for reasoning. The natural phenomena such as the sun, moon, raining, thunder, were miracles for a primitive man. Humans tried to understand these miracles by his rational thinking. Gradually speculation took the place of wonder. So-called miracles were explained by one or more basic principles.
Philosophy arises from the speculative and critical search of ultimate reality. It gives a rational account of the facts, events in this world. Philosophy seeks the explanation of the forces operative in this universe. So theoretically philosophy is a methodical work of thought.
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Ethics is concerned with the practical problems of man, initially in the survival and then those in the moral, organized, harmonious life. Human is a rational animal-the animal that lives on a higher plane. He apprehends Truth, realizes Good, and creates Beauty. The practical aspect of reason shows the progress in morality. In the longing for higher levels, man has developed from instinctive morality to reflective morality. The human was governed by nature and then by laws. Now he is governed by his own autonomous moral will. The self-conscious rational feeling the urge of the unity of Truth, Beauty, and Good. The rational animal, a human being is preparing himself to realize the Supreme End.
Philosophy is considered as the mother of all sciences. It is the root of all knowledge. Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as the nature of knowledge, truth, justice, mind, language, etc. It is an art of life. It tries to understand the meaning and the value of life. It is an attempt to understand the ultimate Reality. Philosophy is the study of the principles which underlie all knowledge. Philosophy tries to discover the ultimate truth. It is an attempt of rational interpretation and unification of all our experiences. It tries to give a rational picture of the whole universe.
The word 'philosophy' comes from the ancient Greek word 'Philosophia', which means “Love of Wisdom” or “Love of Knowledge”. Philosophy is a love of knowledge and a philosopher is a person who seeks knowledge. A philosopher is an impartial spectator of the eternal universe.
Philosophy has interpreted man and his various activities comprehensively. Philosophy helps to coordinate the various activities of the individual and society. It helps us to understand the significance of all human experience. Philosophy critically evaluates and analyses the variety of human experiences. It develops a comprehensive system of thoughts about the universe and life as a whole. It explores the basic source and aims of life. It asks and tries to answer the deepest questions to life. It clarifies life and the basic values of life. This clarity is very essential because it provides us with the wisdom to face the challenges of life. Wisdom is the supreme instrument in the hands of a man in the struggle for his successful existence.
In India, Philosophy is called 'Darshan' which means 'Vision' and also the means or instruments of Vision. Indian philosophy arises out of the urge for the direct realization of ultimate Reality. We find the seeds of Indian philosophy in the Upanishads, the sacred books of Hindus.
There are many branches of philosophy such as Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of mind, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Beauty (Aesthetics), Philosophy of Language, etc. Philosophy deals with certain general problems regarding the universe, human life, man's place in the universe, his duties, and human values. Philosophy discusses and critically evaluates the general concepts such as Knowledge, Truth, God, Values, Space, Time, Cause, Liberation, etc.
You are right, it is normal that. Philosophy is a language of mind and it's beliefs. Etizolam RX