The concept of Rta is the fundamental concept in Vedic philosophy. Rta represents the basic truth, harmony, or system of the universe which no one can violate.

The concept of Rta is the fundamental concept in Vedic philosophy. Rta is the eternal, cosmic, and moral order. Rta represents the basic truth, harmony, or system of the universe which no one can violate. Rta is Truth or truths (Satyasya Satyam), the center of centers (Kendrasya Kendram). It is the Divine order which is designated as “Vrata” in Vedic literature.

In the physical sphere, Rta represents the eternal and inviolable law of nature. Rotation of Heavenly stars, alteration of day and nights, the flow of rivers, oceans, etc. are regulated by Rta. Rta is the unity-in-difference in the cosmic order. It maintains everything in its correct place.

The principal of Rta is eternal and omnipresent. It is immanent in all the creations of Cosmos. Rta is the binding principle of this cosmos, whether physical or moral.

In the moral sphere, Rta is righteousness. It is the measure of morality. Those who follow the path of Rta, follow the path of Good. They are called Vratani. The path of Rta (Vrata) is consistent with the natural cosmic order. The path of Rta leads a man to a harmonious, prosperous, and contented life.

Anrta is the opposite of Rta. Anrta represents complete disorder and confusion. The path of Anrta goes against natural laws. It leads a man towards disease and death.

Vedic Gods are Guardians of Rta. [Rtasya Gopa]. However, Gods are not superior to the cosmic and moral order. Gods themselves are subject to Rta.

Varuna, the God of Sky and Heavenly light is the Guardian of this universe. Varuna was believed to be the most powerful God that was enthroned as the ruler of universes. He is the Custodian of Rta. Varuna has the responsibility to maintain the supremacy of cosmic as well as a moral order. Varuna sets the eternal laws to protect Rta, that no one can violate. Varuna was essentially supposed to be God of Peace.

Varuna is an omniscient God with the Sun and the Moon as his eyes. So he has the strong, all searching vigilant sight. The least sin will not escape detection by him.

Varuna and other Gods, maintain Rta, the eternal cosmic and moral order Varuna is an omniscient God with the Sun and the Moon as his eyes. So he has the strong, all searching vigilant sight. The least sin will not escape. Those who follow the path of Rta, Gods are benevolent and helpful to them. Gods are angry when the path of Rta is not followed. Thus Rta is responsible for the apportionment of reward and punishment. For Gods, Rta has metaphysical relevance and for human beings, Rta has ethical relevance.

Life of reason leads to righteous behavior that confirms the solidarity and sovereignty of cosmic and moral order consequently human beings are rewarded by Gods.

Life of passions (Anrta) leads to chaotic behavior that harms the solidarity and sovereignty of cosmic and moral order. Consequently, human beings are punished by God.

The concept of the eternal, inviolable cosmic and moral order gradually shapes itself into the Law of Karma, the peculiar characteristic of Indian philosophy.


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