
Showing posts from August, 2020


Keep Scientific Attitude, Be Curious, Skepticism And Humble Scientific Attitude: Curiosity, Skepticism, And Humble Scientific attitude is marked by curiosity, skepticism, and humbleness. Every science is guided by curiosity, a passion to explore and understand without misleading or without being misled. A scientific attitude is required to come close to real answers to the questions rather than the fantasy-based answers. For this purpose being skepticism is more important. Being skeptical does not only mean being analytical and durable but open for answers. So as a scientist psychologist, approach the world of behavior with curious skepticism by asking questions like what do you mean? How do you know? The skeptical thinking allows a psychologist to select the best suitable answers for an explanation of human behavior. For Example, can astrologers predict anyone's future based on the position of the planet on the birth chart? Is electroconvulsive therapy an effective trea...


Overconfidence We generally tend to think that we know more than we do. If someone asks us questions about the certainty of our answer we tend to be more confident than correct. The best example is the following anagram given by Richard Goranson (1978). He asked people to unscramble the alphabets: WREAT – WATER ETRYN – ENTRY GRABE – BARGE Now see how many seconds would you require to unscramble this alphabet. Did hindsight bias come in the way? Knowing answers make us overconfident. The solution would take only 10 seconds for us to answer while in reality, the problem solver requires 3 minutes. The question arises are we better at predicting social behaviors? Students show that this may not be always the case. Philip Turlock (1998,2005) collected more than 27000 expert predictions on world events such as the future of South Africa or whether Quebec would separate from Canada. He found that these predictions which experts made with 80% confidence on average were right less ...


The Hindsight Bias: I Knew of all along with Phenomenon Hindsight bias is defined as the tendency to believe after learning an outcome that one knew it all along and such an outcome was inevitable. It is also known as (I knew it all along) phenomenon. A cricket team's captain is given the credit if the match is won and the captain is faulted if the match is lost. After a cricket match, war or election, its outcome usually seems to be inevitable, and then we say after the outcome "See this is what I was saying or I knew this would happen". People have tremendous capacity and willingness to explain away contradictory findings as justifiable based on common sense. For example, half the members of a group were told that psychologists have found that separation weakens romantic attraction and as the saying goes "out of sight out of mind" and asked them to imagine why this might be true. Most people can and nearly all will then view this true finding as not very ...


There is a common feeling that psychology explains or informs what everyone is aware of. Some pace their faith in human intuitions. For example, Prince Charles (2000) said that "buried deep within every one of us there is an instinctive heartfelt awareness that provides- if we allow it to – the most reliable guide". The former president of America explained his decision to launch the Iraq War by saying that he is a gut player and he depends on instincts. Today's psychological science does study intuition but it is observed that our thinking memory and attitude operate at two levels conscious and unconscious. But still, our intuitions are more likely to go wrong. The three phenomena, hindsight bias, judgmental overconfidence, and even tendency to perceive patterns in random events illustrate why we cannot solely depend on intuition. POST BY AYUSH HEALTH AND WELLNESS™


Improve Your Retention and Grades Very often students are under the impression that to memorize their new learning properly, they need to keep revising the new lesson, i.e., to keep rereading it again and again. But memory researcher Henry Roediger and Jeffrey Karpicke (2006) believe that apart from a rehearsal of the material you need to repeatedly do self-testing yourselves. They called it a testing effect or retrieval practice effect or test-enhanced learning. They demonstrated in one of their studies in 2008 that students could recall the meaning of 40 previously learned Swahili words much better if they repeatedly tested themselves, rather than if they spent the same time restudying the words. The key is that to master new information, you must actively process that information. Our brain is like a muscle that grows stronger with exercise. Many studies have shown that people can learn and remember better when they put the material to be learned in their own words, rehearse i...


Psychology also influences modern culture. Learning about psychology's findings changes people. They do not judge psychological disorders as moral failings. They no longer believe that psychological disorders should be treated with as punishment and ostracism. Similarly, now they do not regard women mentally inferior to men. They no longer view and rear children as an ignorant, wilful beast that needs taming. Morton Hunt rightly pointed out that knowledge has modified attitudes and through the behavior. Once we are aware of how our body is connected to our mind, how a child's mind grows, how our perceptions are formed and how our memory works, how people differ across the world, our way of thinking will change forever. However, psychology has certain limitations. It can't answer questions such as – Why should I live? Why should I do anything? Is there any purpose in life that even death cannot destroy? Yet psychology deepens our appreciation for how we humans pe...


Some psychologists conduct basic research that builds psychology's knowledge base, for example, Biological psychologist they will explore the link between brain and mind , Developmental psychologists will study behavior and abilities from womb to tomb, Cognitive psychologists study how we perceive think and solve problems, Personality psychologists investigate our relatively permanent traits, Social psychologist study how we get impacted by others' social behavior and how do we impact their behavior, Counselling psychologists listen carefully to a client's troubled thoughts and emotions and A Social-cultural psychologists will be studying the variations in human values and behavior in different cultures. Some psychologists engage in basic research. In applied research, practical problems are tackled like industrial psychologists helping companies to select employees or develop training programs, etc. However, all subfields of psychology have a common goal – to describe ...


Biopsychosocial Approach Bio-Psycho-Social Approach


The biggest and most persistent question faced by psychologists has been whether human traits develop at birth or later on through experience. Plato assumed that character and intelligence and certain ideas are inherited. Aristotle on the other hand argued that everything that is there in our mind has come through the external world through our senses. In other words, he said that whatever information, sensation, feelings are stored in our mind has come through our experiences of the external world. John Locke also argued that the mind is a blank sheet on which experiences write. RenĂ© Descartes did not agree with this suggestion and believed that some ideas are innate. Descartes’ ideas got support from a naturalist, Charles Darwin . The role of internal or innate factors was supported by Charles Darwin's concept of natural selection. He explained the diversity in different organisms of the same species as stemming from the process of natural selection. Thus, nature selects th...


Let us see how psychology continued to develop from the 1920s until today. In the initial phase, many psychologists believed that compared to everything else in our external universe, if there is one thing about which everyone has maximum knowledge then that is about himself/herself. We have maximum knowledge about ourselves because of the inside information. In conformity to this idea, Wundt and Titchener also focused on inner sensations images, and feelings. William James used the introspective examination for understanding elements of consciousness and emotions. So, early psychologists define psychology as a science of mental life. Behaviourism: In the 1920s John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner rejected the method of introspection and redefined psychology as the scientific study of observable behavior. They argued that science is based on observation. We cannot observe sensations, feelings, or thoughts and therefore they cannot be studied. However, people's behavior as ...


Philosopher psychologist  William James  was influenced by the evolutionary theory of  Charles Darwin   and thought it would be more useful to consider the evolved functions of our thoughts and feelings. For example, thinking is done by the brain but the question arises why it is done. James assumed that thinking is developed because of its adaptive nature, it helped our ancestors to survive. Similarly, consciousness serves the function of helping us to remember the past, adjust to the present, and plan for our future. William James, a functionalist, engage in the explorations of down to earth emotions, memories, will power, habits, and moment to moment streams of consciousness. POST BY AYUSH HEALTH AND WELLNESS™


Psychology as a subject started when human beings asked questions like who we are? How our thoughts, feelings, and actions are produced and how do we understand and manage our environment and people around us. Psychological science is born. It is human nature to be curious about ourselves and the world around us. Before 300 B.C.E the Greek naturalist and philosopher Aristotle spoke about learning memory, motivation, emotion perception, and personality. Some of the ideas put forward by him were like heavy meal produces gases and it makes us sleepy. It also collects heat and surrounds the heart which becomes a source of personality. Though in modern times, we laugh at Aristotle's guesses. But we have to acknowledge that at least he was asking the right questions. ASKING RIGHT QUESTIONS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS WORLD Philosopher's thinking about human behavior continued till the birth of psychology until December 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt started a labora...


Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Behavior includes all of our external or overt actions and reactions such as talking, walking, facial expressions, etc. Mental processes refer to all the internal or overt actions of our mind such as thinking, feeling, remembering, etc. Psychology is considered to be scientific because psychology studies people and their behavior systematically through careful and controlled observations. The findings of psychology can be verified and re-verified. Existing theories of psychology are modified in the light of new findings. However, psychology is not an exact science as pure sciences such as physics and chemistry. In pure sciences such as physics, chemistry, etc. it is possible to make accurate predictions, but the subject of psychology is human behavior. Each human being is unique and different from the other and therefore one cannot predict with a hundred percent accuracy, how a person will behave in a given ...